Well I just want to brag really quick on my amazing husband!!!
We haven't really talked much about Valentine's or if we had any plans, especially because Jamey has been sick all week. We just decided to watch LOST (the best gift ever...well other than salvation and marriage of course) and make dinner at home!!
I woke up this morning and my sick little Jamey asked me to get him some water because his throat was hurting. I walk into the kitchen and to my surprise I find that at some point the day before he had bought me 2 dozen roses, Pino Noir (my favorite wine) and the most heart-felt card I've ever read. On top of that he has edited all our honeymoon pics, had them printed out and he put them in an album for me!! The sweet part was that he had woken up at some point in the night and put it all on display for me in the kitchen. (Hence the request for the glass of water)
Ah-mazin!!! I love my husband more than I ever thought was possible and I love little surprises that aren't even expected. So this blog was written to brag on him!!!
p.s. Did I mention that right when I was about to go hug him and thank him for my gifts that our 80 yr old german lanlord began banging on our front door to come fix our hot water heater that's been leaking in our hallway the last week.
Bom Bom!!
But by tomorrow we will have a new non-leaking hot water heater which means I might get to take showers longer then 5 minutes without the hot water going out! Praise his name for another great valentine's gift!!!
Here's some pics mere moments before Helga arrived......